The rating assessment portal has updated its design and expanded its functionality | Белтелеком

The rating assessment portal has updated its design and expanded its functionality

The rating assessment portal is a specialized service for citizens that provides an opportunity to express their opinion on the quality of service provided by government organizations.

An updated portal качество-услуг.бел has become available to users, which has received a new, modern design and structure.

In addition to improved visual and technical aspects, the following functionality is provided:

- new ways of registering on the portal for users. Now you can access the assessment of organizations not only after registration and authorization by login and password, but also through social networks.

- ability to receive broader analytics for organizations. Based on the results of the quality assessment by users, including the details of changes in positions in the rating of subordinate organizations and their structural divisions, organizations will be able to quickly and more accurately respond to changes in opinions on work and take measures to improve the service quality at various levels.

- function for generating QR codes for the profiles of objects under assessment. A user who has received the service and wants to evaluate the quality of its provision will be able to go to the page of the relevant state body or organization on the portal using a QR code. This simplifies access to portal options.

To date, about 53 thousand people use the portal's capabilities. More than 13,000 organizations have been registered as objects of assessment, and more than 240,000 assessments have been made.

Currently, 144 objects of RUE Beltelecom are represented on the portal.

How to find an organization on the portal:

- using the search bar;

- in the list of organizations;

- on the map - in the "Rating" section;

- by spheres of activity and categories.

For assessment please select a service from the proposed list and indicate the date of its provision. Then, on a five-point scale, a questionnaire is filled out.

Assessment criteria:

- simplicity and clarity of the process of obtaining a service or performing an administrative procedure;

- availability of information on the service receipt procedure;

- compliance with the established term for the service provision;

- courtesy and goodwill of employees.

Optionally, you can add your comments about the service quality.

Rate us on the rating portal! Your opinion is very important to us!