Methods of payment for services by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

For legal entities (except for those financed from the budget) and individual entrepreneurs a postpaid and/or prepaid billing is applied.

In case of prepaid billing (byfly, ZALA, Business Case service packages, Smart Home, Maxiphone), a subscriber can pay in the following ways:

  1. Transfer funds to the current account of Beltelecom by processing a payment order.
  2. Make payment on-line via ERIP. When making a payment:
  • Select the item “Settlement System” (ERIP).
  • Choose the following tabs subsequently: “Internet, Television, Telephony” → “Beltelecom” → Your region.
  • Select “Legal entities”.
  • Choose a paid service (ZALA, byfly, Smart Home, packages).
  • Enter the Annex number.
  • Enter the payment amount.
  • Check that information is correct.
  • Make payment.

The amount of advance payment is determined by the subscriber, considering the volume of the services consumed.

In the case of postpaid billing (with acceptance), RUE Beltelecom monthly sends to the Subscriber's bank a payment request and an invoice[1] for payment.

In case of postpaid billing (without acceptance) RUE Beltelecom monthly sends to the Subscriber an invoice to transfer funds to the current account of RUE Beltelecom by processing a payment order.

For organizations financed from the budget, postpaid billing is applied.

Monthly RUE Beltelecom sends to the Subscriber an invoice for payment with an attached statement on the services rendered to transfer funds to the current account of RUE Beltelecom.

[1] Invoice is not an Statement on the services rendered (work performed)

To get information on the amount invoiced, please, follow the link.

Statement on services provided

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