Methods of payment for services by individuals

1.    Prepaid billing 

For byfly Internet access services, ZALA television services, YASNA package services, and Smart Home services, prepaid billing is applied. 
In case of prepaid billing, a Subscriber deposits money into his (her) personal account in the Operator’s settlement system and independently controls the positive account balance via My Beltelecom application to keep the service active.

2.    Postpaid billing

For telephone services (not included in YASNA service package) and other services, postpaid billing is applied where the Operator, upon expiry of a calendar month, draws up and issues an invoice for the telecommunication services rendered. To get information on the amount invoiced, please, follow the link.

Payment Methods

1.    bank payment cards:

2.    cash;

3.    express payment cards with a value of 10 rubles. Replenishment of the personal account using an express payment card is available through My Beltelecom application.

4.    promised Payment service (maximum amount 15 rubles). The Promised Payment service is available via My Beltelecom application. 

Statement on services provided

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