Minister of Communications and Informatization Konstantin Shulgan became a guest of the program “In the Public Domain”

The Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus Konstantin Shulgan became a guest of the next information and analytical program “In the Public Domain” with Alexander Serebrennikov”.

The Ministry of Communications and Informatization of Belarus has received new powers to manage digital development processes in the state, digital transformation of the state administration system and all branches of the economy. The corresponding Decree No. 136 “On the state administration agency in the sphere of digital development and informatization” has been recently signed by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

What are the main points of this document? How will digitalization change the lives of each of us? And how soon will we feel these changes? About this and not only in detail tomorrow, April 21, at 21.00 “In the Public Domain” on the TV channel “YASNAe TV”!

The television project “In the Public Domain” is dedicated to the world of technology and innovation. It has been on air since 2020. The guests of the program are industry leaders of the main enterprises and universities of the country, experts in the field of digitalization, leaders of the telecommunications market.

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